The most tax-efficient way to give to Compton Care

Payroll Giving

What is it?

Payroll Giving

Payroll giving is an easy way for anyone who pays Income Tax in the UK to give regularly to charity. It is also the most tax-efficient way to give to Compton Care.

Through Payroll Giving, donations are taken from your salary before tax, so each pound you donate will cost you less.

How does Payroll Giving work?

Take a look at our video to find out more information about Payroll Giving.

What are the benefits?

For Employees

It’s simple – contact your payroll department for a payroll giving form. Once you have filled that out and returned it you can sit back and relax knowing you are making a difference to Compton Care.

Donor privacy – we don’t ask for your bank details as the donation will come straight out of your salary.

Donor Control – you can stop or change your donation at any time by contacting your payroll team.

Pay less to give more – it’s the only way to give that allows full tax relief on donations.

What are the benefits?

For Companies

Minimal admin – it is easy and cheap to set up and maintain- plus there is a potential that you can offset set up costs against tax.

Engages staff – charitable giving is a great way to boost team morale and bring everyone closer together with a shared goal of making a difference.

Get recognised for your efforts – the government-endorsed Payroll Giving Quality Mark is accredited based on the percentage of employees who are signed up to Payroll Giving, ranging from Bronze (1%) to Diamond (30%).

How can I set up payroll giving for my business?

Get in Touch
Contact us for advice on how to register.
Promote your scheme internally
Our corporate fundraising team can support you with this!
Monthly Contributions
Each payroll run your payroll department will take the donations from each employees gross salary and send it to your chosen agency.
Nothing for you to worry about
Compton Care will receive your donation directly from your payroll giving agency.

For more information contact our Corporate Fundraising Team on or get in touch by calling 03003230250